ReactQL v4.3.1


Universal React + GraphQL starter kit, written in Typescript.

React 16 · Apollo 2 · MobX · Webpack 4 · Emotion + PostCSS + LESS/SASS · GraphQL Code Generator · React Router 4 · Server-side rendering.

Your go-to stack for GraphQL

ReactQL is a "done for you" starter kit that seamlessly integrates: 

React v16.4

User interface (UI)

Create reusable components that combine UI and logic, and compile down to HTML on the server. Seamless server and browser compatibility, from the same codebase.

Apollo Client 2.0 + MobX

GraphQL & MobX store management

Connect to any back-end GraphQL server, and handle state declaratively with MobX. Full re-hydration from SSR.

React Router 4

Universal HTTP/app routing

New in v4, write routes declaratively inside your React components. Zero configuration required.

Webpack 4

Code bundling & minification

Extensive Webpack config generates browser + server bundles, optimises your code paths, crunches images and generates code ready for production.

Emotion + PostCSS + SASS + LESS

Next-gen CSS stylesheets

Optimised Emotion CSS for per-request <style> generation or inline .scss/.less/.scss imports - in plain CSS, SASS or LESS. Mix and match. It works out-the-box.

Koa 2

Built-in web server with SSR

Bolster your SEO with SSR and improve user experiences with fast time-to-first-byte (< 10ms) with the performant Koa 2 web server, built in to your server bundle.

Super powers, as standard

ReactQL solves the tedious set-up code, so you can focus on what matters

Server-side rendering (SSR) 

GraphQL queries run on the server first, giving users and search engines rich HTML with data, markup and styles - with no configuration needed.

GraphQL all the things

Dumps your React + GraphQL into plain HTML dynamically per request, with full client-side support. Store state automatically rehydrated from both Apollo & MobX.

Ultra-fast single page apps (SPA)

Navigating your site will be blistering fast, thanks to pre-loaded routes and async data loading. Obliterate full-page reloads and enjoy server-side rendering, to boot.

Built for dev + production

Enjoy full sourcemaps and hot code reloading in development. When you're ready to go live, just
npm run production

Written in Typescript v3

ReactQL is written in Typescript, offering strong typing out-the-box (even for GraphQL via GraphQL Code Generator)

Tree shaking / no dead code

Thanks to Webpack, ReactQL automatically eliminates unused code paths in your browser code, for minimal bundle sizes.

Hot code reloading

Freely edit React components, styles or other code in development, and watch changes happen in real-time in the browser - no refresh needed.

Aggressive minification

Your code, images and CSS will be minified to save every byte possible. Assets in production will be served gzipped and Brotli compressed, too.

Tons of commentary

Almost every line of code is littered with comments, so you can get to grips with how it's wired together, fast.

GraphQL store de/rehydration

GraphQL store state crunched on the server is sent down the wire to the browser, so your user can pick-up where your server finishes. Everything is just GraphQL.

Auto vendor splitting

Vendor code is automatically split from the code you write, making async route loading and caching fast and automatic. No need to maintain a separate vendor list.

The finer details, sorted

From HTTP hardening in Koa, to declarative <head> rewinds via Helmet, ReactQL gives you an optimised starter kit with all the finer details taken care of - freeing you to code.